~ 5-คt๏๓-09 ~: English Lesson

Today , teacher say " I will give you a short test later"

We are like " 哈?Test 什么鬼?" "这个老师麻烦的boh....." "Ngaiti 都要回家liao!!" "吃饱没事做meh..."

Anyway tats a funny (其实几无聊一下咯 )test

If u wanna try , go take a piece of paper and a pen lorh..

Ready? Then start doing~

1. Since this is a time test , carefully read EVERYTHING before doing anything and call out when necessary .

2. Put your first
NAME in the upper right corner of your paper .

3. Loudly call out your first name when you get to this point .

4. Draw five small squares in the upper left hand corner of your paper .

5. Put an "X" in each square .

6. Put a CIRCLE around each square .

7. Stand up and sit down quickly .

8. Put an "X" in the upper right corner of your paper .

9. Draw a triangle around the "X" you just made .

10. On the back of your paper , multiply 703 by 66 .

11. Wave your paper high in the air so it can be seen .

12. Put a "tick" in the middle of your paper .

13. If you think you have followed directions carefully to this point in the test , call out

14. On the reverse side of your paper , add 8950 and 9305 .

15. Put a circle around your answer , then put a square around the answer .

16. Count out in a normal speaking voice fron one to ten backwards .

17. Punch three small holes in the top of your paper with your pencil or pen point .

18. If you have reached this point , call out loudly , "I have reached this point" .

19. Say out loudly , "I am nearly finished".

20. Now that you have finished reading everything carefully as requested in sentence one , DO ONLY Sentence ONE and TWO

Nice right?Dont become